MB-5000HII - Innovative productivity

Okuma has launched the MB-5000HⅡ a horizontal machining center, which offers innovative productivity for global market applications ranging from mass production of automobile parts to semiconductor equipment components, construction machine parts, hydraulic parts, and other manufacturing sectors. Along with the long, continuous operation made possible by Okuma's trademark high reliability, mass produced parts and small-/mid-sized parts can be machined at the highest level of productivity.

By dramatically improving high-speed and high acceleration/deceleration performance evidenced by high-speed positioning and quick ATC, cycle times have been reduced by 34% compared with the previous machine. The MB-5000HⅡ has a new spindle with high rigidity and high torque which makes possible heavy-duty cutting of steel at 704 cm³/min (S45C) with an end mill.

With excellent chip discharge maintenance and super-minimal machine structure, Okuma's Thermo-Friendly Concept and OSP-AI Machine Diagnostics are onboard to deliver the stable machining accuracies required for long periods of unattended operation. At the same time, the footprint has been reduced by 10%, to achieve a highest-class level of floor space productivity (20% improvement over the previous machine).

The MB-5000HⅡ, while being well equipped to handle a wide range of applications from fast machining to heavy cutting, this HMC will meet the increasingly stronger need for the labor-saving and unmanned operations expected in the future.

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